XcelKLEEN Process Steps

Step 1: Emulsify contaminants and existing coatings or finishes.

Step 2: Extract emulsion

Step 3: rinse and neutralize surface.

Primary Products Used

  • Contaminant Remover®: A stripper, cleaning chemical for lighter-duty situations.
  • Gel Contaminant Remover®: A stripper, cleaning chemical for baseboards and walls.
  • Eradicate®: A stripper, cleaning chemical for heavy-duty situations.
  • StripTASTIC®: A stripper, cleaning chemical for extra heavy-duty situations.
  • Tile and Grout Prep®: A specially formulated, non-fuming low ph gel chemical used to clean and prep grout.

• Improves appearance
• Removes surface soil and most embedded contaminant
• Eradicates foul odors
• Provides better bonding for SaniGLAZE coatings

Where and When to Specify:
XcelKLEEN is specified for large or small tile sizes. It is used as the first step in all SaniGLAZE restorative and protective processes. It is used as a stand-alone process only when tile and grout joints are in good shape and do not require restoration or additional protection; and where coatings are not recommended for either the grout or the tile.

(925) 474-2334 (NorCal)
(714) 660-4133 (SoCal)
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